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Self care is about taking time to support our mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health. Good self care is important to improve your mood and reduce anxiety. It’s also key to having healthy relationships with family, friends, colleagues and most importantly, ourselves!

Improving your self care routine is not as hard as it might feel

We have listed 12 easy self care ideas that we find helpful to take better care of OURSELVES (having a nap should actually be number one!). While self care should be embraced by everyone, each of us will have different ways to practice self care that suit our lifestyles and needs.⁠ Don’t worry, self care isn’t all bubble baths and sage cleansing, it has a practical side to it too. If any of our self care ideas don’t necessarily fit for you, that’s ok, the important thing is to find a self care routine or activities that you can enjoy.

Why self care is important for anxiety suffers?

There are certain fundamental things that a human requires in order to take care of one’s self such as air, food, water, a balance between rest and activity, time alone and time with others. Whilst these tasks seem like pretty straightforward concepts, we can sometimes overlook them without even realizing, this can often lead to mood swings and irritability. These feelings and emotions do nothing positive for our anxiety levels. The anxiety you feel comes from being overwhelmed without the ability to pause, reset and re-energise. This is where self care comes in, having a self care routine is when we deliberately participate in an activity that can be very small or quite big, in order to take care of ourselves.

Self care breaks your negative train of thought, it makes you pause and reset

Sometimes you might feel that a self care routine means you have to make time for it, like it’s a massive effort that will completely throw your day out of balance. Think of what you get taught when flying on an airplane, “always put an oxygen mask on yourself before you put it on others”. It doesn’t matter if the house is a huge mess or you haven’t completed everything on your list for that day. The important thing is, that you stop and take a moment for yourself. Doing this can actually enhance your energy levels, restore your health, reduce anxiety and give you a clear mind… everyone deserves that don’t they?

And it’s not just for people with lots of money either, you don’t need to jet off to a Bali retreat or pop down to your local spa for a few hours (nice, but not practical in any sense). The below self care ideas are either free or very inexpensive. And some you don’t even need to leave the house for!

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